Detailed overall marketing plan for businesses

Detailed overall marketing plan for businesses

What is the overall marketing plan? Why say the overall marketing plan gives an overview of the business? Find out with CleverAds in the article below.

1. What is the overall marketing plan?

The overall marketing plan is a detailed plan that includes clear activities to implement for the advertising and communication project of the business. Help meet the needs of the business within a certain time frame (month/quarter/year).


overall marketing plan

Based on the development needs and actual situation of the business, there will be different overall marketing plans at separate times.

An overall marketing plan will provide businesses with a way to measure performance from which marketers can easily evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign.

2. Why do businesses need an overall marketing plan?

The overall marketing plan gives the most comprehensive view of the business to help the business understand its goals and development orientation in the future.

  • Clearly define and accurately capture customer needs. Understand buying behavior and influencing factors.
  • Identify competitors and competitive advantages.
  • Understand and identify potential market
  • Brands, products, and services clearly position, and increase competitive advantage.
  • Measure the effectiveness of marketing activities implemented.
  • Help employees grasp the right direction of the company.
  • Support businesses to build a better overall marketing plan in the future.

Read more: What is a marketing plan? Developing a marketing plan for a new product

3. Steps to make an overall marketing plan

Step 1: Allocate and determine the budget to implement the plan

The overall marketing strategy is the factor that helps products and services increase sales. However, the market and customer groups of each product and service are different.

Therefore allocating and determining the appropriate budget is necessary. The budget is not necessarily too big, but it needs to be calculated carefully because developing a marketing plan is a long way and has a great influence on the future.

Step 2: Research and analyze the market

When implementing overall marketing plans, two factors that businesses cannot ignore are business situations and competitors. To clarify these two factors, it is necessary to research and analyze the market

The research, analysis, and positioning in the market will help businesses understand their own advantages and disadvantages. Understand the products and services they provide, thereby accurately identifying potential customers, target markets, and appropriate prices for products.

Once you know yourself, you need to know your competitors. Who are your competitors, where are they in the market, what are their strengths and weaknesses, and what are the characteristics of their products?

All of these factors will help businesses come up with accurate and reasonable development plans as well as create appropriate strategies to deal with the counter-attacks of their opponents.

Step 3: Define specific goals

Any overall marketing strategy needs to have specific and clear goals. That goal is an action guideline to help the overall marketing strategy stay on the right track.

The goal when implementing the overall marketing plan can be: increasing traffic to the website, increasing brand awareness for new brands, increasing revenue, improving sales, and helping your website to top SEO,…etc

Step 4: Make an overall Marketing plan

The things businesses need to do to build an effective overall marketing plan include:

First, identify the target customer.

Factors to determine the target customer portrait include age, gender, occupation, interests, income, and personal needs, …

From the factors of synthesis and analysis to find out the buying behavior and insight of customers to build appropriate marketing plans.

Second, build clear, relevant, and attractive marketing messages.

Building appropriate, attractive messages and content marketing will attract and impress customers, helping businesses reach more target customers and generate more potential customers.

Finally, choose the right advertising channel for the business situation.

Advertising channels should be a tool to support business development instead of a budget burden, so choosing the right channel is essential.

Currently, popular marketing channels are widely applied including PR press, running Google Ads, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, SEO, etc.

Step 5: Implement specific work according to the overall Marketing plan

The time for implementation is after the proposed strategy is reviewed and approved by the superiors.

You must ensure to maintain the correct time schedule for each item and the assignment of responsible personnel for those items should be specific, clear, and with close supervision between related departments.

At this point, it can be affirmed that implementing the work according to the plan is an effective solution for development orientation and timely handling of arising problems. Thereby creating the most feasible implementation process for your business.

Step 6: Measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the overall marketing strategy

The last thing to do with each overall marketing plan is to measure and evaluate the effectiveness achieved. This will help businesses draw useful lessons and experiences to help the following marketing campaigns achieve superior results.

Some of the data businesses can use to measure performance are sales, targeted leads reached, website visits, etc.

Read more: All about marketing metrics businesses need to know

4. Overall marketing plan templates

Some samples include:

  • Social media marketing plan
  • Content marketing plan
  • New product launch plan
  • Growth plan

5. Some successful campaigns

 5.1. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is the best example of a good use of an overall marketing plan. They built their entire marketing plan around one goal, Happiness. They not only market the product but also market Happiness and see it as the core to be achieved.

Based on that goal, Coca-Cola promotes Happiness everywhere, impressing customers with a line of refreshments associated with happy moments in life, and bonding relationships.

5.2. Spotify

Spotify, when it appeared on the market, created a fever in the online music listener community. Although not the only company in the market, thanks to a good overall marketing plan, they have attracted customers and made competitors wary.

Providing a different user experience is the company’s strategy. They focus on exploiting user habits with machine-learning technology.

overall marketing plan

From the analysis data, the company will make suggestions for suitable playlists or tracks, artists that are listened to regularly by customers. Stimulating users not only to choose music according to their mood but also to discover new music.

Not only that, every Monday, Spotify will refresh weekly playlist recommendations for users to bring out relevant music that they may have never heard but will most likely like those songs.

Read more: Marketing Campaign – Advertising campaign to attract customers

6. Conclusion

Through the article, we understand that the overall marketing plan is very important. It not only gives an overview of the target market but also orients the business development as well as each specific strategy for the product/service of the business.

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