Marketing terminology and what you need to know

What is Marketing Terminology? The term Marketing is probably a phrase that has been mentioned by many people. However, a huge amount of terms will make you sometimes use the wrong way and confuse the definition. The following article from Cleverads will help you learn in detail the meaning and concept of the term Marketing.
1. What is Marketing? What is Marketing Terminology?
According to Philip Kotler’s definition of marketing: Marketing is a form of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange. Marketing is a social and managerial process by which different individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, providing, and exchanging products of value. with others.
From the definition of Marketing, readers can also understand in a simpler way: Marketing is the process that a company performs to promote the purchase and sale of a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and making products available to consumers or other businesses.
Marketing term definition
Marketing terms are words that denote scientific and technological concepts commonly used in scientific and technological texts. Therefore, it can be understood that the term Marketing is the expression of scientific and technological concepts used in the Marketing industry.
2. The meaning of Marketing in this day and age
2.1. For Businesses
In addition to the production of products, all business activities in the market of the enterprise are marketing. Marketing activities in an enterprise include the process of forming production ideas to researching to create products, packaging, brands, and other activities until the product is in the hands of consumers. Therefore, the success of the business depends greatly on Marketing.
2.2. For consumers
Marketing plays the role of reflecting the wants and needs of consumers to businesses and organizations that provide products to solve those needs. In addition, Marketing also helps them feel the true value of the product and feel satisfied with the cost.
Marketing helps to create a variety of goods and develop products that are increasingly suitable for consumers. Consumers also through Marketing understand more about the meaning of the product and the messages conveyed through that product.
Read more: What is consumer behavior? A detailed guide for beginners.
2.3. For society
The role of Marketing in society can be described as providing new vitality to society. Social welfare is greatly affected by the efficiency of bringing goods to consumers. In addition, not only businessmen and corporate administrators apply Marketing, but macro-management agencies also need to have full and correct awareness to create favorable conditions for the legal environment as well as for the legal environment. pressure towards real Marketing.”
3. Common Marketing Terms
3.1. Marketing Terminology – Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is digital marketing through the internet. In other words, this is a form of promoting products and services through online communication channels. This is to serve the search for information, selection, and purchase of suitable products and services that the company provides.
In the face of rapid changes in technology and the internet, digital marketing has gradually become an essential tool in building a marketing plan. The biggest goal that Digital marketing brings is to quickly increase brand awareness. If in the past, businesses were the factors that influenced users’ purchasing decisions, now the influence of people around them, including online and offline channels, is the basis for promoting shopping behavior.
3.2. Brand Positioning – Brand Positioning
Brand positioning is the way that businesses and individuals find their own position compared to competitors. This will help the brand make its own mark and make customers when mentioning a specific feature immediately remember you.
Brand positioning plays a big role for businesses when there is so much competition in the market today. Only when the brand becomes different and customers always remember, this is the key to helping the business succeed.
3.3. Brand Awareness – Brand Identity
Brand identity is what customers see and remember about that brand. Usually, the brand identity system gives consumers physical feelings such as quality, design, … or emotions: professionalism, personality, and class,…
3.4. Marketing Terminology – Lead Nurturing
Lead Nurturing – Lead nurturing is the process of using multimedia to provide information to each customer group. From there, help them realize the value of products and services and actively look for businesses.
3.5. Buyer Persona – Customer Portrait
Customer portrait is a marketing term used to refer to a detailed outline of the business’s target audience. In other words, this is the target customer profile, which will include information about demographics, interests, life views, etc.
3.6. Marketing Funnel
The term Marketing funnel is used to refer to a model that illustrates processes. This process is used by companies to attract visitors, convert them into leads, and nurture customers until they buy a product or service.
Read more: What is Marketing Strategy? Typical Strategies for Beginners
3.7. KPIs – Key Performance Indicators
The term Marketing KPIs is understood as a performance evaluation index, a tool to measure work performance through data, ratios, quantitative indicators, etc. Organizations and businesses often use this marketing term. at different levels to measure their success with a pre-determined goal.
3.8. Case Study
The term Marketing – Case study is used to refer to an in-depth analysis of the job. The business has accomplished for a particular client or client the goals, processes, and services used, as well as the results achieved through the services.
4. Distinguish 6 marketing terms that are easy to confuse
4.1. Digital Marketing and Online Marketing
Digital Marketing is a way of marketing using existing digital platforms and animations such as phones, the internet, TV, and Audio,…. Meanwhile, Online Marketing is a marketing method that can only be built and implemented on the Internet space, including platforms such as social media, Websites, Display Ads, etc.
To understand in the simplest way, Online Marketing is a small part of Digital Marketing. Readers need to pay attention to this issue in order to use these two marketing terms correctly.
Read more: What is Online Marketing? Types of Online Marketing
4.2. Distinguish the terms Marketing Consumer and Customer
The consumer is a Marketing term with the meaning of a consumer, and Customer means a customer. Consumers are the final objects of the process of providing services and goods. They directly use and experience products and services. However, the customer is the object directly involved in the exchange and purchase of goods and products from the supplier. Customers are not necessarily product users, they can be a unit or organization participating in the transaction execution process.
4.3. Goals and Objectives
The term Marketing Goals in Vietnamese means goals and Objectives mean goals. The purpose is the final destination of the campaign. Brands can announce goals to guide and announce quarterly or annual strategies that will be implemented internally. Meanwhile, with goals, businesses need to identify specific activities that need to be performed to achieve the stated goals.
4.4. Viral Video and TVC
The terms Viral Video Marketing and TVC are also confused by a lot of people. Viral videos are often meticulously prepared in terms of form and content, which are meaningful stories that convey the message and implication of a product, service, or business. TVC ads, only need to focus on highlighting products, services, and brands and usually have a fairly short average length – 60.
4.5. Terminology Marketing PR and Advertising
PR is a marketing term referring to a method of communication to convey a positive image and message about the business to customers and the community. PR is often used skillfully and subtly to show off the outstanding achievements that the business has achieved. In stark contrast, Advertising directly attacks the target customer file to emphasize the salient features of the product, service, etc. The advertisement needs to make customers know the business and actively record it. miss.
4.6. Brand and Trademark
The term Brand in Marketing means a brand, Trademark is a trademark. The brand is a combination of intangible values of the product’s attributes: name, courtesy, prestige, and packaging, …. Brand is what needs to be deeply remembered by customers and is the way customers see the business. Meanwhile, a trademark is protected by intellectual property rights, it can be a logo, slogan, etc. In a brand, there can be many different brands.
5. Conclusion
The above article has helped readers understand the concept of Marketing terms and the most commonly used terms. Besides, the article has also brought a lot of knowledge to distinguish confusing marketing terms. Mastering the concepts will help you easily apply them and avoid mistakes in the process.
Cleverads has many years of experience in the process of helping businesses with Marketing solutions, We are confident that are able to bring your business, brand, and products to a large number of consumers.