Our services are diversified and up-to-date with Digital Marketing trends around the world. We bring different online advertising channels which are categorized into specific groups: search engine marketing, social media advertising, display advertising and others.
Some of
Over the last 7 years, CleverAds has conducted thousands of digital marketing and advertising campaigns for more than 4,000 clients, in which our loyal clients comprises 35%.
We provide diversified and up-to-date with Digital Marketing trends around the world.
From creative content packages, Facebook and Google Ad solutions, we have the right
services for your business's needs!
Ms. Clarke Belsonda
M: 09176334181
E: clarisse.belsonda@cleverads.vn
Ms. Nguyen Thu Trang
M: 0945 32 5988
E: trang.nguyenthu@cleverads.vn
Ms. Luu Hoang Anh
M: +84 983 471 567 /
+84 919 02 8448
E: anh.luu@cleverads.vn
Ms. Tran Minh Tinh
M: +84 902 211 682 /
+84 91 773 8448
E: tinh.tran@cleverads.vn
Soho Residence 23rd Floor Unit 2305, Letjen S. Parman St No. Kav. 28,
RT.3/RW.5, South Tanjung Duren, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta
City, Jakarta 11470
T: +62813 84 111 888 (Call & Whatsapp)
E: archias@cleverads.vn
Ms. Nguyễn Thúy Hiền (E: Hazel)
M: +8483 955 0101 (Call & Whatsapp )
E: hien.nguyen@clevergroup.vn
Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Konsumen dan Tertib Niaga
Kementerian Perdagangan RI WhatsApp : +8483 955 0101
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